The Dangers of Ocular Histoplasmosis in Your Child
Children are fascinated by birds. Whenever you go to the beach or a park, you can always
see a child feeding or chasing after birds, especially pigeons. It is important that parents with children with
Asthma and Allergies understand the dangers of playing with pigeons. Most children with Asthma and Allergies have a
compromised immune system that needs monitoring by a Physician, especially children with Asthma.
Histoplasmosis is contracted when you inhale the dust that carries the fungal spores. Its effect on the body can
vary widely in severity from one person to another depending upon their immune system. People can be carriers and
have no symptoms at all. Others can experience flu-like symptoms and mild respiratory infections. It becomes a
problem in people who already have a weakened immune system such as individuals with Asthma and Allergies.
Histoplasma capsulatum is commonly found in the in the dust and soil of the
Mississippi-Ohio River Valley region. There are a lot of individuals in this area that are are carriers. It affects
both men and women equally. It can also be found in other parts of the country where large amounts of pigeons
gather. It gets into the soil mostly from bird and bat droppings.
We had an unusual case in Boca Raton, Fl in an office building. The people in the building were complaining
about flu-like symptoms. Investigation of the roof found a pigeon nest in the fresh air intake. Testing of the
pigeon droppings and feathers were positive for the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. Reported the problem to the
building owner and they cleaned it up. There were no more flu-like symptoms in the building after the cleanup.
The fungus may affect the eye by causing small areas of inflammation. It also scars the retina. A Physician
friend of mine told me that these spots are sometime called "histo spots" and can be found in both eyes. It can
also affect your vision depending upon the location of the "histo spots". The scarring of the peripheral area of
the retina could possibly have little or no impact on the vision. If you are scared in the central area, it could
possibily cause a blind spot. This can be diagnosed by a Ophthalmologist who is familiar with Histoplasmosis.
The sign of ocular histoplasmosis in your child could be distorted vision, blind spots and scars on the retina.
It is detected with a dilated examination of the retina using ophthalmoscopy. Regular eye exams is recommended for
anyone with "histo spots". The best solution we can offer is to keep your children away from pigeons and their
droppings at the beach and park areas. Prevention is the best solution for Histoplasma.
In conclusion, keep you children away from pigeons whose dropping can contain the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum.
A child with Asthma and Allergies must be especially careful to avoid pigeons at the beach and in parks where they
gather. It is tough enough living with Asthma and Allergies without being exposed to this fungus which can affect
people with compromised immune systems. If you feel you or your child have been exposed to Histoplasma, contact
your Doctor immediately.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for more information concerning Asthma, Allergies, Mold, Indoor Air Quality and the Chemically Injured.
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