Indoor Air Quality
Is it important to be concerned?
For many years health authorities and governmental agencies have raised our awareness to the dangers of outdoor
air pollution and have concentrated their efforts on finding ways to reduce pollutants generated by automobiles,
factories, construction and mining.
Over the past two decades scientist have been carefully examining the indoor air environment of
our offices, factories and homes and they have found this environment to be even more hazardous to our health
than outdoor air.
Indoor air contaminants can originate within the building or be drawn in from outdoors. Particulate
matter can come from far away places like blowing desert sands & volcanic eruptions or from nearby sources such
as pollinating trees, industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, cleaning chemicals & pesticides. If these
contaminant sources are not controlled, IAQ problems can arise. Statistics show that 1 out of 5 (50 million)
Americans suffer from allergies caused by substances found in the home and office. Deaths related to asthma have
risen 40% in the past two decades.
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