New EPA Lead Paint Law
How Does It Affect You & Your Family !
On April 22, 2010, the EPA's new Renovation, Repair and Lead Paint law will go into effect. This new law
will require all contractors, sub-contractors, maintenance engineers, handymen, property managers and others paid
to replace windows, doors, wood trim, drywall or renovate residential houses, apartments and child-occupied
facilities built before 1978 to be certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 
What this means for you: If you own a home that was built prior to 1978, any work performed in your home such as
sanding, cutting, demolition, window replacement, dry wall replacement and other renovations will require a EPA
Certified Contractor to do the work. This is a good change for the EPA because it is a giant step forward in
protecting your children from lead dust that may result from disturbing any lead-based paint.
This law is long overdue because of the dangers that lead-based paint causes to our children. Children are most
susceptible to lead-based paint or dust from it. Lead Paint dust can cause the following problems in our children
from exposure:
1. Brain Damage
2. Central Nervous System Damage
3. Decreased Attention Span
4. Impaired Hearing
5. Reading and Learning Disabilities
6. Reduced IQ Scores
7. Mental Retardation
8. Seizures, Convulsions and Coma
9. Death from over exposure
I know this list sounds pretty strong but lead paint can cause serious damage to children. The health effects
are serious and nothing to play around with. So if you own a house prior to 1978, check out any contractors
credentials. If they do not have a EPA Certification, do not hire them especially if you have children in your
If you’re doing the work yourself, it is important to know the guidelines, so you can protect your family. It is
better to be safe than sorry in the long run.
If you have any question, visit our website or call us: (954) 531-6476.
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