The IAQ Phase I Investigation is designed to examine and identify problems within the indoor
environment, base conclusions upon the findings and provide a list of things to do for a satisfactory solution
to the problem. It is important to solve these problems before they are escalated into a more serious
Indoor Air Quality problem.
The IAQ Investigation encompasses a far greater scope
than just sampling of indoor pollutants. It is accomplished by performing a detailed inspection and evaluation of
the building systems and includes:
Visual inspections of the A/C(HVAC)
Pictorial documentation of A/C (HVAC) units.
Examination of the ductwork systems visually or with a high resolution
optical duct-camera and video tape system if client requests.
Assessment of the system filters.
Collection of mold and fungus samples from relevant
Air samples for the following in representative areas of the building: carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrocarbons,nitrogen dioxide and ozone, .
External factors are also examined to determine what is contributing to the
problems within the building's environment.
Photo documentation may include:
The roof of building showing AC units
Exterior photographs of building
Office areas, shop areas, and janitorial closets. Problems areas such as water stains on ceiling tiles, any blocked or
deflected air supplies, any dirt radiating from the air supplies or ducts, dirty air returns with
filters removed and any other areas that could effect the indoor air quality or comfort level,
temperature, drafts, noise or odors.
The environmental readings are recorded and the samples collected are evaluated in
EPA Certified laboratory. The results are compared to the latest regulatory and industry standards and
guidelines. When the IAQ Phase I Investigation is complete, a
comprehensive,eyes-only report will be provided that includes inspection data, observations of the systems along
with photographic evidence as to the condition of the systems. The report includes recommendations for corrective
measures that will have a positive affect on the air quality within the building.