Chlorine Allergy
Salt Water Swimming Pools
There are a lot of individuals with allergies to Chlorine. Most pools are disinfected by the use
of chlorine and has been popular for many years because there were no alternatives. Salt Water pools are
easier to maintain and require lower expenses. They also have a minimal use of chemical substances. Let's see
what the advantages of these types of swimming pools.
1. If you are one of those individuals with an Allergy to Chlorine, salt water pools require fewer chemicals.
This is great for those who like to swim frequently. They don't have to deal with chemicals that will affect their
health in the long run. These type of pools are also more environmentally friendly and safer. Plus, there is no
irritating or chlorine smell.
2. Salt is a healthier alternative. It is also friendlier to the skin and your overall general health. It is
easier on the skin and is not known to cause any medical problems. Chlorine will irritate eyes and discolor your
hair. You do not suffer from symptoms related to chlorine exposure.
3. They are easier to maintain. Salt swimming pools require less maintenance and fewer chemical expenses. They
have the ability to keep the water clean and do not require too much attention. On the other hand, the chlorine
pools need a lot of chemicals to maintain hygiene. Water sanitation can be easily achieved in a salt water
4. Dollars are well spent on a salt swimming pool because of the lower maintenance costs. They are definitely
much more expensive to build but you will recoup your money within a few years. According to sources, the cost of a
salt water swimming pool is almost half the cost of a chlorine pool with maintenance added in.
5. Medical problems are eliminated from organochlorines, which is a known disrupter of human hormones.
Organochlorines are also associated with several medical conditions. These conditions can range from infertility,
impaired immune system, hormonal imbalances and even cancer. These substances can also affect individuals with
Asthma and Respiratory Problems. Pools disinfected with Salt have low levels of chlorine which is not know to cause
any of these diseases.
In conclusion, building a salt water swimming pool is definitely a good idea and is beneficial for your health.
The initial costs are higher but you save in the long run on maintenance. They help eliminate health problems from
organochlorines. If you have health problems such as Asthma, Allergies or an Impaired Immune System, consult with
your Doctor before making a decision about a Salt Water Swimming Pool.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.
To learn more about your home, visit our website at Safe Homes or Air Testing
Chlorine Allergy
Call (954) 531-6476
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