Lead: The Naked Truth
Concerning Lead And Lead Based Paint
Naked Truth 1: Children and Babies can be harmed even before they are born. The fetus
can be harmed by lead in the Mother's bloodstream.
Naked Truth 2: Health children can have high blood levels of lead in their bodies. It
depends upon the source and exposure limit.
Naked Truth 3: You may be exposed to lead or lead based paint by breathing or swallowing lead dust. Another route of exposure
is by eating dirt or paint chips containing lead. This is how children are easily exposed.
Naked Truth 4: Reducing your exposure to lead hazards is easy. If you have lead-based paint in your home that is in good condition, it
is not a hazard unless you disturb it.
Naked Truth 5: If you hire a contractor who removes the lead-based paint improperly, it is very easy to increase the danger
of exposure to lead based paint to your family.
If you are concerned about your possible exposure to lead hazards, this will help you protect your family. It is
important to live in a lead Safe Home.
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