Lead Paint - Lead Paint Inspections

In older parts of our towns we find houses that have their own special charm due to the building style. Most people like the styles of homes built during the 1940s. The best features that these houses have to offer are the built-in cabinets, hardwood floors, window seats and such are the amenities which might not be present in the modern home in our new Homeowner Associations. However, there is one catch to these older homes, they have lead paint. It important to remember that any construction or house which is built before 1978 will contain lead paint. Knowing that, it is very important to be cautious when purchasing such houses. It is important to have the home inspected for lead paint. You need to know where it is and what parts of the house have the lead component in it.

lead paint inspectionsWe recently had a client call and was shocked to find they found lead paint in their home. First thing, they were concerned about the health of their family in this environment and how the lead based paint can affect their health. I explained to them to see their Doctor to have a test for lead in the blood and if it comes up high, the Health Dept will get involved to make sure everything if taken care of properly to protect his family.

If it does come up high, a lead paint inspection is required by a licensed EPA Lead Paint Inspector or Assessor to find the problem areas if it is in their home. We have found that not all the problems can come from the home but can come from another location the person is at during the day.This is not always the case, but it can never be taken for granted that the house is the problem area for lead based paint.

In conclusion, lead paint inspections should be performed on all pre-1978 homes. We do not recommend the DIY Test Kits for lead paint because, if it is not done right, you will have a false/positive sense of security. Have a professional test your house and you will have the right answers.

If you have any questions, feel free to visit our website or call us.

 Safe Homes

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