Water Extraction Incompetence Can Lead To Mold Growth

The southern part of the United States is one of mold's favorite places to live in besides the residents. Molds such as Stachybotrys, Aspergillus, Pencillium and Chaetomium can be found anywhere here; these molds rely on wet, humid environments, or moisture and a typical food source such as drywall, organic cotton, dust, wood, paper or other organic materials. These mold types can begin to grow on porous surfaces with high moisture content within the first 72 hours from our experience.

We recently received a phone call from a frantic homeowner who was concerned about a water leak from an overflowing Air Conditioner drain line from the home above her. We told her to stop the water infiltration and then call her Insurance Company to send out a company to dry the moisture up. She called them and then the disaster began from the beginning of the job. First, the drying company used by this Insurance Company refused to cut holes in the walls to allow the moisture out so the dehumidifiers could do their job. This is typical for inexperienced water extraction drying companies. I have seen some very competent water extraction companies also, but this is not the experience here.

The same night the frantic homeowner called again and said they refused to cut holes in the walls saying they were experienced and had been doing this for a long time. They stated it was unnecessary to do this. I guess, that is how they get all their mold remediation work on the side besides drying houses down. We told the frantic homeowner to tell them to do it or remove the equipment and leave. Well, you know what happened next, they cut holes in the drywall but refused to cut holes in the ceiling saying the water will flow downward. More incompetence, guess they think people are stupid and will believe anything in a time of crisis.

Two days later, the same homeowner called again and said they were going to remove the dehumidifiers from the area. Our first question was, did they moisture test the walls and ceiling. The answer was no to the ceiling and then told her to call me back after they tested it. She called back and guess what they found, wet insulation and a wet drywall. The moral of this story is, do not trust certain water extraction companies and be leery of their financial motives in a time of crisis in your life. Had this job been done right, we would not have a job. We now are going over to inspect this home and test for mold thanks to their incompetence.

In conclusion, water leaks need to be dried up within the first 72 hours or there is the possibility of mold growing where there was none before. Be leery of certain water extraction companies from Insurance Companies because they can be incompetent and cause mold to grow in your home. Always question their motives as to why they are doing something; it could be a way to generate additional mold remediation work. Also, not all of these companies do this type of work; we have seen some very competent moisture removal companies. We only recommend reputable water extraction companies that we have seen their work. If you feel that you are being affected by mold in your home, contact your Doctor immediately.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website for more information.

To learn more about your home, visit our website at http://www.safe-homes.com or http://www.air-testing.com 

 Safe Homes

  EzineArticles.com Basic PLUS Author 


Indoor Air Quality

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